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2022-05-03 11:49

报告题目:Tick-host interaction in heterogeneous environments

报告人:吴建宏 教授

报告时间:202257(周六) 9:3011:30

报告地点:腾讯会议,ID: 690 960 625

报告摘要:Tick population dynamics has been an important and classical example of biological systems with physiologically structured individuals going through multiple development stages. Nonlinearity is often attributed to the density-dependent reproduction rate, but recent studies show a certain nonlinearity emerges from the dynamic interaction of tick attaching (to the host) and host grooming behaviors, both modulated by the feeding tick loads on the host. Some preliminary studies also show that this emerging nonlinearity also impacts on the multi-stability of tick population dynamics. This, in conjunction with the so-called diapause triggered by environmental conditions, has significant impact on the co-occurrence on hosts of multi-cohorts of ticks, and of the efficacy of tick-borne pathogen transmission through the so-called co-feeding transmission route. This talk presents some biological motivation as well as some preliminary mathematical analyses (including modeling frameworks). This is based on some joint work with Xue Zhang.

报告人简介:吴建宏,加拿大约克大学终身教授,应用数学首席教授(Canada Research Chair),博士生导师。加拿大首席资深工业与应用数学研究主席、约克大学工业与应用数学实验室主任、加拿大应用与工业数学学会主席、加拿大约克大学传染病模型与健康研究中心负责人,Infectious Disease ModellingBig Data and Information Analysis杂志主编,兼任本学科领域世界顶级期刊杂志编委;担任菲尔兹研究所委托的加拿大国家COVID-19大流行快速响应建模工作组的负责人。在KluwerAMS/FieldsSpringerWiley等出版社出版专著8 部,编著14 部,发表学术论文350多篇。研究方向包括动力系统、神经网络和模式识别、生物数学和流行病学。获得了包括加拿大女王钻石禧功勋章(Queen's Diamond Jubilee medal)York大学终身杰出特聘教授(University Distinguished Research Professor)、终身Fields Institute Fellow、加拿大华人专业人士杰出成就奖、加拿大新先锋科技奖等在内的10余项学术成就奖。


